An execution can be in one of six color-coded states:
- created: The execution is not yet queued, most likely because you don’t have enough quota and the system is waiting for one of your older executions to finish.
- queued: The execution is queued as there are no free servers which means that either a new server is being launched or you’ll have to wait for another execution (either your own or someone else’s) to finish, depending on the installation.
- started: The execution is currently running on an instance. You should see real-time details through the web interface, command-line client, and API.
- stopping: An user manually canceled the execution through the web interface, command-line client, or API.
- stopped: The execution has been successfully stopped by the platform.
- error: The last of the execution commands failed; check the logs for more information.
- completed: The execution was run successfully and its results are available through the web interface and command-line client.
- Each execution will always start as created and will end up either stopped, error, or complete.
An execution will only run user-defined code in the started state.