Kubernetes for real-time inference
This page describes how to configure a Kubernetes cluster for Valohai real-time inference. It does not enable using Kubernetes for standard Valohai workers.
Kubernetes for workers is in private preview. Contact support@valohai.com for additional details.
Valohai can push deployments to an existing Kubernetes cluster.
Valohai uses standard Kubernetes APIs to communicate with your Kubernetes cluster, and app.valohai.com (
) should be able to access your cluster’s API Server over HTTPS.
Your cluster can be configured to serve only private deployment endpoints.
Setup instructions
Follow the steps below to configure your cluster for Valohai real-time deployments.
Install ingress-nginx
Install ingress-nginx on the cluster:
Get the external IP of your ingress-nginx. You’ll need to share this with Valohai.
kubectl -n ingress-nginx get service/ingress-nginx-controller
By default, all of your Valohai endpoints will be accessible from the public internet. You can patch the nginx ConfigMap to whitelist only certain IPs so only they can access the endpoints served by Valohai.
kubectl patch -n ingress-nginx configmap/ingress-nginx-controller --type merge -p '{"data":{"whitelist-source-range": ","}}'
Kubernetes Service Account
Create a Kubernetes service account that Valohai will use:
kubectl create serviceaccount valohai-deployment
Create a service account token. Note that tokens are not created automatically for Kubernetes 1.22 and higher.
kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
type: kubernetes.io/service-account-token
name: valohai-deployment-token
namespace: <NAMESPACE HERE>
kubernetes.io/service-account.name: valohai-deployment
Get the token, you’ll need to provide this token back to Valohai.
kubectl get secret valohai-deployment-token -o jsonpath='{.data.token}' | base64 --decode
This will return you the secret name (e.g., valohai-deployment-token-SUFFIX
). Use the name to fetch the secret value:
kubectl get secret SECRET-NAME -o json
Set up the valohai-metadata-role
in Kubernetes. If you want to limit access to a specific namespace, define it below, otherwise leave it empty.
Create a new file valohai-deployment-role.yml
with the following contents:
kind: Role
apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
name: valohai-deployment-role
- apiGroups: [""]
resources: ["events", "namespaces"]
verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"]
- apiGroups: [""]
resources: ["pods", "services"]
verbs: ["create", "delete", "deletecollection", "get", "list", "patch", "update", "watch"]
- apiGroups: ["apps", "extensions"]
resources: ["deployments", "deployments/rollback", "deployments/scale"]
verbs: ["create", "delete", "deletecollection", "get", "list", "patch", "update", "watch"]
- apiGroups: ["extensions"]
resources: ["ingresses"]
verbs: ["create", "delete", "deletecollection", "get", "list", "patch", "update", "watch"]
Apply the role with:
kubectl apply -f valohai-deployment-role.yml
Create a rolebinding. Replace “default” with your namespace if you defined one when creating your service account.
kubectl create rolebinding valohai-deployment-binding \
--role=valohai-deployment-role \
Make sure your cluster’s nodes can pull from the repository that Valohai is pushing images to.
Google Cloud Service Account
The valohai-sa-deployments service account is used by Valohai to manage deployments and images in your Container Registry or Artifact Registry.
In your GCP Project, go to IAM -> Service Accounts and create a new service account for Valohai:
- Type: Service Account
- Name: valohai-sa-deployments
- Role:
- Service Account Token Creator
- Storage Admin
- Kubernetes Engine Developer
- Create Key: JSON
Download the JSON key, as you’ll need to share it with Valohai later.
You can use standard Docker login (username/password) credentials when pushing to Azure Container Registry, GitLab, Artifactory, Docker Hub, and others.
Make sure you create a separate account for Valohai to be able to push to your repository.
You should now have the following values:
- Cluster name
- valohai-deployment service accounts token
- External IP of ingress-nginx (kubectl -n ingress-nginx get service/ingress-nginx-controller)
- Cluster API address and the cluster-certificate-data
If you have an ALB that has a well-trusted cert and points to the Kubernetes API, you’ll need to just provide the ALB address.
Share this information with your Valohai contact using the Vault credentials provided to you.