Welcome to the Valohai community!
Pinned FeaturedValohai community is safe space for all questions and discussions. Community consists of posts and comments organized by topic. Posts might include tips, feature requests, or questions.
Where to begin?
- Head to the General Discussion for all the Valohai related discussions
- Post your ideas and wishes to Feature Requests or vote existing ones to get more visibility for them.
- Patch Notes contains all the Valohai updates, fixes and improvements.
- Need something interesting to read during your coffee break? Check the Worth a read section for articles and blog posts.
You can use search or you can browse the topics and posts using views and filters.
You can manage your profile from the top right corner by clicking your name and selecticng Profile.
Under your profile you can find all your posts, comments and badges.
By selecting Edit profile you can customize your profile photo, add an alias and write a short description.
Following and voting
If you want to keep up to date to certain topics you can Follow a topic or a post by clicking the Follow button. This way you will get notified of new posts or comments.
Voting is especially useful for the Feature requests so you can vote certain posts to get more visibility for them.
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