Patch Note 2022-03-09
Technology preview: monorepository
- You no longer need be confined to a single
file, but can choose between multiple! - Please contact our support to enable monorepositories for your account.
UX improvements
- Commits now appear under all of their related refnames, not only an arbitrary single one.
- When a repository fetch fails, it's now much easier to get to configure your repository better.
- The project dropdown menu in the top right corner was made faster.
- The notification bell dropdown was emwidened, to fit more and bigger words.
- If there is a problem retrieving events for an ongoing execution, there will be a marker on the Log tab to that effect.
- When deleting a pipeline, its executions and tasks are similarly archived away.
- The effective enablement status for deployment versions and endpoints is now more obvious.
- Organizations' teams can now be renamed.
- Invalid cron expressions in triggers are now caught early. No more wondering why a trigger doesn't fire because it's set for next year!
API improvements
- The
API call now supports setting aref
for a particular fetch.
Under-the-hood improvements
- Some rust was added where it was still conspicuously absent, to make things faster.
- The Create Pipeline view occasionally had a smooshed layout. We unsmooshed it to memorate the occasion.
- The preview for text datums no longer keeps scrolling up annoyingly, because we applied a proprietary secret sauce de-annoying algorithm to it.
- Certain technically invalid commands involving
parameters no longer crash and burn. - The Team Quotas page is again accessible without having to fiddle with your browser URL bar by hand.
- A "No repository" label had been misaligned. We nudged it back into place.
- When fetching a commit configuration fails, you no longer see the steps from an unrelated commit. That was weird.
- S3 store locations are no longer validated for non-S3, but S3-compatible stores.
- Organization-owned single project stores can now be converted to organization-level shared stores.
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